Tag Archives for " symfony2 "

Using console Symfony2 shortcuts to app/console in Windows


I`m developing using Symfony2 in Windows. I`m little tired still write “php app/console something…”. So I was wondering is there easier way. Should be possibilities to write aliases or shortcuts to console command.Continue reading

Symfony2.3: The dist file “app/config/parameters.yml.dist” does not exist. Check your dist-file config or create it.

After update my Symfony2 project to Symfony2.3 i get:

The dist file “app/config/parameters.yml.dist” does not exist. Check your dist-file config or create it.

Easiest way is copy app/config/parameters.yml to app/config/parameters.yml.dist and run php composer.phar update again.

That’s all! Have a nice day 🙂

How to clean dump Doctrine2 entity (entities) without print_r and crash Apache

Have you ever try print_r($entity)? Apache crash? Yes – exactly. Doctrine2 entity has massive recursion and trying dump by print_r give Apache crash. How to do this safely  and clean?Continue reading

Doctrine2 Netbeans IDE problems with code completion

Doctrine2/Symfony2 project? You write a code, press ctrl + space and… no all code completion… Why?

$em = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager();
$query = $em-> (should be createQuery, createBuilderQuery BUT nothing like that)

Solutions is simple (as usual…) but take some time to know how…Continue reading

Symfony 2.1 how to manage .less file by lessphp

After move to Symfony2.1 I was a little confused by using composer.phar. I want use less too – to easier write css code. After little research and test I see composer is a great tool! Some time after a figured out how to use lessphp. To save your time below it is my way:Continue reading

Symfony2, Doctrine2 Fatal error: Call to a member function getMetadataFactory() on a non-object in

This problem meets me after upload my Symfony2 app from my laptop to production server. Then, when I try run app I get:

Symfony2, Doctrine2 Fatal error: Call to a member function getMetadataFactory() on a non-object in…

After lot of searching I found solution. Continue reading